Tecovirimat treatment of monkeypox infection Date: Mon 22 Aug 2022 Source: JAMA edited https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2795743 ref: Desai AN, Thompson GR 3rd, Neumeister SM, et al. Compassionate use of tecovirimat for the treatment of monkeypox infection. JAMA.2022. Epub ahead of print -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monkeypox is a zoonotic orthopoxvirus in the same genus as variola (the causative agent of smallpox). A recent global outbreak has led to more than 50000 cases reported as of 31 Aug 2022. Monkeypox is typically self-limited with symptoms generally lasting between 2 and 4 weeks in prior outbreaks. Hospitalization was required in 13% of patients in a recent study, suggesting the need for effective therapy. Tecovirimat is an antiviral that inhibits p37, a protein involved in the release of the enveloped virus, dissemination, and viral virulence. In vitro testing has shown activity against both smallpox and monkeypox, and tecovirimat appears to have a favorable clinical safety profile based on the experience of healthy volunteers. We assessed adverse events and clinical resolution of systemic symptoms and lesions in an uncontrolled cohort study of patients with monkeypox who were treated with tecovirimat on a compassionate use basis. Methods Patients were eligible for tecovirimat treatment following laboratory confirmation of orthopoxvirus infection from skin lesions by polymerase chain reaction. Outpatients referred to UC Davis primarily through the Sacramento County California Department of Public Health between 3 Jun and 13 Aug 2022, and who had disseminated disease or lesions in sensitive areas including the face or genital region, were offered treatment. Oral treatment with tecovirimat for adult patients was weight-based, administered every 8 or 12 hours, and was taken within 30 minutes of a meal containing moderate to high fat content for improved bioavailability. The duration of therapy was 14 days but could be extended depending on the clinical status of the patient. Clinical data were collected at initial in-person evaluation for treatment and by in-person or telephone interview on day 7 and day 21 following initiation of therapy. All patients provided written informed consent. This protocol was approved by the UC Davis Institutional Review Board. Results As of 13 Aug 2022, 25 patients with confirmed monkeypox infection had completed a course of tecovirimat therapy (Table). All patients were self-reported male and the median age was 40.7 years (range, 26-76). There were 9 patients who had HIV, 1 patient had received the smallpox vaccine more than 25 years prior, and 4 received 1 dose of JYNNEOS vaccination after symptom onset. At the time of treatment, systemic symptoms, lesions, or both were present for a mean of 12 days (range, 6-24). Systemic symptoms included fever in 19 patients (76%), headache in 8 (32%), fatigue in 7 (28%), sore throat in 5 (20%), chills in 5 (20%), backache in 3 (12%), myalgia in 2 (8%), nausea in 1 (4%), and diarrhea in 1 (4%). Almost all patients (23 92%) had genital and/or perianal lesions, and 13 (52%) had fewer than 10 lesions over their entire body. All patients had pain associated with lesions. One patient received 21 days of therapy while the remainder were treated for 14 days. Complete resolution of lesions was reported in 10 patients (40%) on day 7 of therapy, while 23 (92%) had resol­ution of lesions and pain by day 21. Treatment wi­th tecovirimat was generally well tolerated with no patient discontin­uing therapy. The mo­st frequently reported adverse events on day 7 of therapy inclu­ded the following: fatigue in 7 patients (28%), headache in 5 (20%), nausea in 4 (16%), itching in 2 (8%), and diarrhea in 2 (8%) (Table). Discussion In this preliminary study, oral tecoviri­mat was well tolerat­ed by all patients with monkey­pox infection, with minimal adverse effe­cts. However, adverse eff­ects could not always be differentiated from symptoms related to the infection. No co­ntrol group was incl­uded, limiting conclusions of antiviral effica­cy pertaining to dur­ation of symptoms or severity. Time from symptom onset to presentation was variable among patie­nts, and conclusions related to antiviral use vs natural evolution of disease should be made with caution. Limited clinical data exist on the use of tecovirimat for mo­nkeypox infection. In one ca­se report, no new le­sions followed 24 ho­urs of therapy and no adver­se effects occurred by treatment complet­ion at 14 days. Limitations of the study include the sma­ll number of patient­s, lack of a control group, and selection bias. Add­itional large-scale studies are needed to elucid­ate antiviral effica­cy, dosing, and adve­rse events. Table and references available at the source URL above

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